Over the years, MECP and LANXESS have performed a number of studies in Canagagigue Creek. We have undertaken enhanced creek bank stabilization on the west creek bank to control erosion of dioxin, furan and DDT impacted soils into the Creek. Contaminated materials were also removed and soils capped from the east side’s historical disposal areas. These efforts greatly reduced contaminants and sediment from entering the creek.
To assess ongoing creek health, we perform monthly monitoring of creek water and annual/biennial biological sampling for diversity and benthic organism health impacts. Sampling data confirms and supports that the creek’s health adjacent to the plant has seen dramatic environmental improvements over the last 20 years.
Additional sampling and assessment efforts are now underway to evaluate downstream sediment, creek bank and floodplain soil impacts. We performed a large scale creek sampling program consisting of over 600 samples in 2017. These results will be combined with an upcoming second sampling round to fill in any data gaps with additional sample locations and chemical analyses), which will be completed by the end of 2020. These efforts will all feed into a comprehensive Quantitative Risk Assessment that will be performed and guided by accepted MECP methodology in order to evaluate human health and ecological impacts. As a result, creek remediation may be performed if deemed necessary. These efforts are being overseen by MECP, with consultation with RAC/TAG and other stakeholders.